Sergeant-Detective Maya Alieh is at the forefront of cyber investigations

The SPVM is proud to introduce some of its employees who achieved significant accomplishments and taken some remarkable actions. They are passionate about their work and committed to the wellbeing and safety of Montrealers.

Sergeant-Detective Maya Alieh is at the forefront of cyber investigations and has supervised the unit specialized in this field since its creation in 2017. She is fully involved in operations, gives conferences and training on cybercrime to SPVM investigators and collaborators. In addition, she actively participates in several national committees and working groups on cyber infiltration and cyber security. Regularly called as a specialist by the media, she emphasizes prevention.

The first policewoman of Lebanese origin at the SPVM, Maya stands out for her leadership, enthusiasm and professionalism. Although her team works behind the scene, their interventions make it possible to find, among others, people in need and sexual predators. The team also helps to prevent events endangering the safety of citizens. Cyber investigation is now essential at the SPVM thanks to the perseverance of people like Maya and her team.