What should you do if a person goes missing?
Make sure your children know their address and phone number
Make sure your children can reach you by phone at all times
Never leave your children alone (in the car, in the house or anywhere else), even for a few seconds
Always know where your children are and who they are with
Do not mark your children's names visibly on their possessions
Always let your children know who will be picking them up from school or daycare
Remind your children never to reveal personal information when they are surfing the Internet
Remind your children of the safety rules every time they go out (for example, to daycare or to the mall)
Make sure your children know the following motor vehicle safety rules:
Tell your children that if they need help, they should tell the first person of authority they see (Police Officer, crossing guard, school staff member, letter carrier, taxi driver)
For further information, please consult the website of our partner, the Missing Children's Network.
+ Association des familles de personnes assassinées ou disparues (AFPAD)
+ Canadian Benefit for Parents of Young Victims of Crime - Government of Canada