My local

Police Station

Important notice: integration of PDQs 24 and 26 as of January 14, 2019

The Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) wants to remind the residents and stakeholders that the service counter at neighbourhood police station 24, located at 1435 Van Horne Avenue, will be closed as of January 14, 2019. All staff will be moved to PDQ 26, located at 7405 Mountain Sights Avenue, in Montréal.

Residents and stakeholders of theOutremontborough and Town ofMount Royalmay use any of the following options to submit an event report.

In person

PDQ 26: 7405 Mountain Sights Avenue, métro Namur
PDQ 9: 5501,Westminster Avenue, Côte-Saint-Luc
PDQ 11: 6255,Somerled Street, métro Villa Maria et Vendôme
PDQ 33:570 Beaumont Avenue, métro Parc and Acadie

By phone

Call the Centre de rédaction de rapports d’événements (Event Reporting Centre) at any time (9-1-1).


Complete a police report online at

Starting January 14, 2019, to receive information or to contact a member of PDQ 24, call 514 280-0126.

The SPVM thanks the residents and stakeholders for their cooperation.

To find out more +

PDQs 24 and 26 under one roof

Questions or comments?

Email box of PDQ 24
Email box of PDQ 26

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For information :
Relations médias
Division des communications
Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) 
514 280-2015