Unidentified remains

Case number: 05-990709-012

On 9 July 1999, a man was seen walking on the edge of the railway by a train conductor. A few minutes later, he laid down on the rails and was crushed by the wheels of the wagons.

Discovered on July 9, 1999 
Gender Male 
Skin tone Light/Fair 
Corpulence Medium 
Eye color Brown 
Hair color Brown 
Hair description Wavy 
Weight 84 kg 
Height 178 cm / 5ft-10in 
Estimated age 40 - 45 
Case number 05-990709-012 
Type of clothing Sweater 
Clothing colour White 
Note Levis size G\TG 
Type of clothing Shoes 
Clothing colour Black 
Note Nike sandals 
Type of clothing Coat 
Clothing colour Purple, Lavender, Mauve 
Material Nylon 
Note Columbia 
Type of clothing Shorts 
Clothing colour Beige 
Note size 36 
Type of clothing Belt 
Clothing colour Brown 
Type of clothing Leggings 
Clothing colour Blue 
Distinctive markings
Trait Scar 
Location of trait Right Knee 
Trait Scar 
Location of trait Chin 
Trait Scar 
Location of trait Left Thigh 
Trait Scar 
Location of trait Left Knee 

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