Home Missing Persons Jean-Paul Leroux

Jean-Paul Leroux

Person missing since: July 9, 2001

At the request of police investigators, we ask you to support our efforts by sharing the description of the missing person.

Missing Person Profile

Last Seen le 28 mai 2001 en avant-midi alors qu’il quittait son domicile. 
Last Name Leroux 
First Name Jean-Paul 
Age (at disappearance) 55 
Year of birth 1946 
Height 178 cm / 5ft-10in 
Weight 82 kg 
Clothes il portait un manteau bleu foncé, un jeans bleu et des souliers bruns. 
Case number 17-010605-002  


les informations que nous possédons actuellement nous permettent de croire que le disparu transigeait avec le monde interlope lié au crime organisé.

How to help:

Anyone with information about this missing person can contact 911 or their local police station.

To transmit information using a confidential and anonymous method, please contact:
telephone 514 393-1133

Don't hesitate to share this information on social networks.