Home Missing Persons Dahlia Lily Robichaud Fréchette

Dahlia Lily Robichaud Fréchette

Person missing since: November 20, 2024

With the permission of the family and at the request of police investigators, we ask you to support our efforts by publishing this photo and description of the missing person.

Missing Person Profile

Last Name Robichaud Fréchette 
First Name Dahlia Lily 
Age (at disappearance) 16 
Height 157 cm / 5ft-2in 
Weight 56 kg 
Hair color Brown 
Eye color Brown 
Last known location


Dahlia Lily Robichaud Fréchette a été vue pour la dernière fois le 20 novembre dernier dans l’arrondissement de Ville-Marie. Les enquêteuses et les enquêteurs ainsi que ses proches ont des raisons de craindre pour sa santé et sa sécurité.

How to help:

Unresolved missing person
Click here to contact the investigators at the SPVM :

To transmit information using a confidential and anonymous method, please contact:
telephone 514 393-1133

Don't hesitate to share this information on social networks.