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Safe at school

Safety tips for students who walk to school 

  • Take the corridor streets so you can cross at supervised intersections.
  • Cross at the intersection or closest pedestrian crosswalk.
  • Obey the pedestrian traffic signals or traffic lights at the intersections. A green light means you can cross.
  • Before you enter a crosswalk that does not have traffic lights, make sure you can make it all the way across safely.

 Safety rules for students who bike to school

  • Stop your bike at all red lights and stop signs.
  • Ride with traffic, not against it.
  • Never wear earphones while you are riding your bike.
  • Make sure your bike has reflectors, a white headlight and a red tail light so you will be visible in the dark.

Safety tips for students who take the school bus

  • Get to the bus stop early so you don't have to run.
  • Wait for the bus in a line without pushing or shoving the other kids.
  • Wait until the bus has completely stopped before approaching it.
  • Move away from the bus as soon as you get off and stay away from the wheels.
  • Take 10 steps away from the bus before you cross in front of it.
  • Make sure that the bus driver sees you before you cross in front of the bus.
  • Look left, right and then left again before you cross the street.
  • If you drop something under the bus, ask the bus driver what you should do. If you can't speak to the driver, wait until the bus drives away before you pick up what you dropped.
  • Never walk behind a school bus.

What is a corridor street?

A corridor street is part of a network of safe streets for elementary school children who are walking or cycling to school. If they take the corridor streets, the students can cross under the supervision of a crossguard for the whole school year

How do I find the corridor streets in my neighbourhood?

You can get a map of the corridor streets in your neighbourhood by contacting your neighbourhood police station or your school office.