SPHÈRES aims to support young Montrealers aged 12 to 24 who are being sexually exploited. It is a voluntary process centered on their needs and aspirations. The project relies on the collaboration between the institutional, community and police sectors. The SPVM has been involved since its launch in 2017. 

Partners involved

SPHÈRES is managed and coordinated by the Institut universitaire Jeunes en difficulté of the CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l'Île-de-Montréal.

The organizations En Marge 12-17 and L'Anonyme provide key workers to accompany young people on their journey.

The Marie-Vincent Foundation offers a psychotherapy service tailored to the needs of the young people taking part in the project.

As for the SPVM, it offers meetings with survivors to young people who so desire. The SPVM officers who sit on the SPHÈRES clinical committee help raise the profile of the project. They also inform partners of the various legal and safety issues involved in the cases they handle. 

For more information, visit the official website: programspheres.ca