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Integrated Police Response for Abused Seniors (IPRAS)


To conclude the Integrated Police Response for Abused Seniors (IPRAS) three-year action research project (2013- 2016), the SPVM and the Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults of the University of Sherbrooke released a document of Practice Guidelines for Implementing the IPRAS Model. This document reflects the experience gained by the SPVM during the pilot project conducted in seven Neighbourhood Police Stations (local units) and four regional investigation units (divisions), and the model’s implementation in all units.

In addition to the Practice Guidelines document, this toolkit contains:

  • Documents that present the IPRAS Model implemented throughout the SPVM since May 2016;
  • Examples of tools and documents developed to implement and to support the implementation of the model in the SPVM.

These tools and documents are available to all police services interested in implementing the IPRAS model. They serve as examples that can be adapted.