For road users, it is important to be twice as careful near a truck, a bus, a snow removal vehicle or any other heavy vehicle.
Safety tips
At all times, make sure you listen, look and can be seen.
Blind spots are the parts of the road the driver can't see due to the vehicle's dimensions. If you are in one of the zones illustrated in the photo below, the heavy vehicle driver can't see you.
100% vigilant : Comme piéton ou cycliste, je garde mes distances des véhicules lourds (french only)
Campagne 100 % vigilant - Sécurité des piétons - Angles morts (french only)
The trucking plan does not apply to trucks and tool vehicles that must make a local delivery.
It also does not apply to non-standard vehicles driving with a special licence that expressly authorizes access to a prohibited road:
Local deliveries are made in a no traffic zone marked by a sign that authorizes truck drivers to circulate in this no traffic zone to perform one of the following tasks:
La carte de camionnage de l'agglomération de Montréal (french only) - Ville de Montréal